Rusty Nail

First appearing in 1937, the Rusty Nail only came to the fore in the 1960s when it was said to be the Rat Pack’s favourite tipple and Frank Sinatra’s go-to when he frequented P.J. Clarke’s, NYC. Donald Sutherland endorsed it but, naturally for him, with Canadian rye, not Scotch.

Considered an after dinner drink, it was originally made in equal measures but it is now generally accepted that the ideal ratio is two parts whisky to one of Drambuie. For imbibing before the puds have even arrived, maybe go with 3:1 or even 4:1 for something less cloying. The colder, the better.

Variations abound. The Rusty Compass adds cherry liqueur to the mix. Clavo Ahumado, the Smoky Nail, substitutes mezcal for the whisky. A Rusty Spike swaps the whisky for bourbon.

  • 50 ml blended Scotch whisky
  • 25 ml Drambuie

In a mixing glass stir the Scotch and Drambuie with a lot of ice until it is very cold. Strain into an Old Fashioned glass onto a single large cube of ice.