This works equally well accompanying a salad, fish
or as a palate cleanser.
Reserve the fronds for decoration once made.
- 500 ml Cream
- 200 ml Crème fraîche
- 250 g Chopped fennel
- 2 tsp Fennel seeds, crushed
- Lemon zest
Simmer above in pan for 30 mins then let cool and sieve.
Beat together:
- 4 egg yolks
- 150 g Caster Sugar
Slowly mix eggs with cream mix. (You don’t want scrambled eggs.) Simmer until you get a custard constituency. Sieve a level tsp Tara gum powder over the mix and stir well.
Leave to cool then churn in an ice cream maker.
Set in a freezer.
Set in a freezer.