James Bond Vodka Martini

  • 75 ml Polish vodka
  • 12 ml dry, white vermouth (Martini Bianco Extra Dry)

Fill a Martini glass with ice. Shake the vodka and vermouth with three cubes of ice until the shaker is very cold. Toss the ice from the prepared glass and strain the drink in. Twist a slither of lemon peel over the glass and drop it in.

Thanks to Nigel Eastmond, The Nosey Chef, trawling Fleming’s novels, Bond’s cocktail of choice can be precisely defined. How he was ever left even standing, let alone shooting and shagging, after a couple of those is beyond comprehension.

“I would like a medium dry Vodka Martini – with a slice of lemon peel. Shaken not stirred, please. I would prefer Russian or Polish vodka.”
Bond to Dr No

As to the ratio:
“I hope I’ve made it right. Six to one sounds terribly strong.”

Solitaire in Live and Let Die following Bond’s instructions