Porn Star Martini

  • 50 ml Absolut Vanilla vodka
  • 15 ml Passoã passion fruit liqueur
  • 30 ml Funkin passion fruit purée
  • 15 ml Monin Vanilla Syrup

Vigorously shake it all with ice. Drain into a chilled coupe glass. Sit half a passion fruit on top. Serve with a shot of prosecco on the side.

There was a period, in the 1990s, when every new cocktail had to be named a Martini of some sort or another, unrelated to the original drink except for the glass it was served in.

CGA’s Mixed Drinks Report for last year ranked it as the UK’s biggest selling cocktail yet again. There really is no accounting for taste. Revolution Bars alone sold 364,000 of them. That’s a lot of hen parties. Let’s hope they sell a lot of condoms too.

In 2019, M&S renamed their Porn Star Martini to Passion Star Martini, after complaints that it normalised pornography. Meh! 364,000 were doing that already,